What’s New on The MLC’s Website 

Public Search: The MLC’s Public Search window is now live and accessible via our website. Just click the yellow “Public Search” button at the top right corner of The MLC’s homepage to get started. The MLC continues to make incremental updates to improve the Public Search experience, with recent updates now ensuring that non-exact search results return and that searches including special characters have improved results. Using our Public Search feature is a quick and easy way to research the musical works data in our database, and it’s also free! 

Dispute Policy Webpage: We've added a page to our website where you can learn more about The MLC’s policy for handling ownership disputes that are brought to our attention. You can also access a copy of our first Disputes Policy, which deals with musical works ownership disputes. It was based on the framework developed by our Disputes Resolution Committee, one of the three committees established by the Music Modernization Act to advise The MLC’s Board of Directors. 

Member Resource Page: We also launched a page on our website with materials specifically for Members! The page features a pair of new videos, including one for Members who have already set up their user accounts in The MLC Portal and want to add or assign additional users to their MLC Member accounts. Click here to watch the video and learn about the different access levels and permissions you can assign to each user associated with your Member account. You’ll also find archived MLC webinars that cover the particulars of Membership, The MLC Portal and a dedicated Q&A webinar for music publishers and administrators. We will continue to update this page with new tools, resources and information to help you get the most out of you MLC Membership.