The MLC is on track to deliver its first royalty payments in April. Here are next steps for you to take:
- If you are a Member, you are reminded to make sure that we have the most updated contact and payment information for you, which you can review in The MLC Portal by clicking on the Maintenance tab. This is also a great opportunity to check the accuracy of your musical works data in The MLC Portal as well. Our Support Team is available to assist you with anything you need ahead of next month’s royalty distributions.
- If you have not yet joined The MLC, now is the time! You can start the Membership process by clicking here, and remember, all of The MLC’s services are offered to Members completely free of charge.
Additionally, the Notices page on our website features an updated listing of all The DSPs that have filed notices with The MLC to-date, giving all rightsholders the ability to see which services their upcoming royalties may be coming from.
Royalty Statements: The MLC will issue royalty payments and statements approximately 75 days following the end of each calendar month. When statements are made available, Members will receive a notification directing them to the Royalties section of The MLC Portal where they can access their statements. Royalty statements will be available in the following two layout formats:
The MLC Royalty Detail Statement Layout: Provides royalty data corresponding with the individual sound recordings contained in DSP usage reports. Click here to view Royalty Detail Layout.
The MLC Work Summary Statement Layout: Provides royalty data summarized at the musical work level. Click here to view Work Summary Layout.